Hey all-

I'm beating my head against this issue, and I can't seem to figure it
out. The problem is I have a <Location> block with a PerlHandler for a
ticketing system app I'm writing:

    <Location /tickets>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::TicketSystem

I'm using Apache::Request to access the params with this simple code:

    sub handler {
        my $r = Apache::Request->new(shift());
        my %args = %{ $r->param };

        # more code ...

When I call the app with GET params, everything works fine. When I use
POST, though, I don't get anything in %args. Reading the manpage for
Apache::Request it looks like I should automatically get the params, ala
CGI.pm. Oh yeah, and CGI.pm doesn't work either, so it doesn't seem to
be an Apache::Request problem. 

Am I doing something wrong? Does <Location> not support POST params? All
the packages are at the latest rev as far as I'm aware.

   perl 5.6.1
   apache 1.3.20
   mod_perl 1.25
   libapreq 0.33

Thanks for any help.


Nathan Wiger
Sysadmin and Perl Hacker
Sun Microsystems

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