I am using template toolkit to generate dynamic content and I was
wondering if there is any way to set a cookie after returning OK. Here
is what I mean.

1-There are two scripts that check for access privileges of a user. One
sets two cookies and the other (mine) sets three cookies.

2- My script checks for all the cookies and if it does not find the
third one it should set it. But the catch is here:

package some_package;

# apache packages 

use vars qw($r);

sub handler{

        $r = Apache::Request->new(shift);
        #code here
        $object->{is_allowed_todo} = \&is_allowed_todo;

        $template = Template->new();
        return OK;

sub is_allowed_todo
        my ($args)      = shfit;
        # args are the arguments that I get from my .html file
        # [% is_allowed_todo('<A HREF="....>' %]

        my $status      = __PACKAGE__->SUPER::is_allowed_todo($r);

        if ($status)
                # do this
                # do that


package some_other;

sub is_allowed_todo
        my $r   = shift;

        my $cookies = Apache::Cookie->new($r)->parse();
        my @webaccess = $cookies->{'webaccess'} ?
$cookies->{'webaccess'}->value() : ();

        unless ($webaccess[MIS_APPS::RHS::Constants::ONE()]);
                my $user                =
                my $job                 = $cookies->{'webjob'}->value();

                ($code,$status,$dept)   = get_userinfo($user,$job);

                Apache::Cookie->new(  $r,
                                -name           => 'webaccess',
                                -value          => {
=> $dept,
=> $status,
                                -domain         => '.rhythm.com',
                                -expires        => '+24h',
                                -path           => '/'
        return $status;

But my problem is that I have already returned OK in my handler. How can
I set another cookie when I have already opened the data stream to the
client browser? I hope I have been clear... :)
Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

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