
I have one question. According to the Guide there's buffering feature of
mod_proxy that allows to release heavy mod_perl process from delivering data
over slow connection to the user.

In our system we have to pass large PDF files thru mod_perl to proxy and we
noticed that it takes the same time as sending it directly to customer.

After checking Apache code for mod_proxy looks like it is normal behaviour.
File modules/proxy/proxy_util.c function ap_proxy_send_fb. This function
reads from originating server into buffer and then writes to the customer from
this buffer. BUT the socket is closed AFTER all the data is sent to the
client (file module/proxy/proxy_http.c function ap_proxy_http_handler. So
the heavy mod_perl server is not released for serving other requests untill
the data is sent to the client by proxy.

Maybe I'm missing something but the practice shows that this is true and Guide
contains error. Please someone check this.

Thank you


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