Nick Tonkin writes:
 > Now that Micro$oft has finally put out some information about their
 > latest trick I have posted a new version of
 > Version 1.02 changes include putting the URL to a page containing info
 > about each worm into a PerlSetVar ... this means that once you have
 > configured with your e-mail and cacheing preferences, you
 > can add traps for new worms as Micro$oft releases them, er, discovers
 > them.
 > Available at
 > More info at
I was looking at your Apache::MSIISProbes module, and I didn't
understand the part about the nimda rewrite rules, mostly because I
haven't used the rewrite rules.  Do the following rules

        RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !nimda
        RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} /c.dir
        RewriteRule .* /nimda? [R,L]

mean unless I've already rewritten the rule, if the query string matches
c.dir (i.e., will match c+dir found in most of the requests), rewrite
the request as /nimda?  From my observation, nimbda also tries c+tftp
and tries to get /scripts/Admin.dll, /c/Admin.dll, /d/Admin.dll and
/MSADC/Admin.dll.  Could I change the rewrite rules to 

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !nimda 
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} /c.(tftp|dir)
    RewriteRule .* /nimda? [R,L] 

to catch either request, and then do
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} /(scripts|MSADC|c|d)/Admin.dll
    RewriteRule .* /nimda? [R,L]
to catch the others?


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