Good morning all,

I recently began to host a website with the hosting company
On the good side, they run Apache / mod_perl and they only cost $10 /
month.  On the bad side, they don't _support_ mod_perl, and they don't
allow access to the error_logs.  The upshot is that I have been unable
to get even the simplest mod_perl handler to work on my site.  So I'm
hoping that some of you could point out what I am doing wrong, or what
addr is doing wrong.  Here's what I've done.

1. I have confirmed that the server has mod_perl installed:
The Environment variable SERVER_SOFTWARE takes the values: Apache/1.3.14
Ben-SSL/1.42 (Unix) mod_perl/1.24_01 PHP/4.0.4pl1 mod_fastcgi/2.2.10
FrontPage/ ApacheJServ/1.1.2

2. I have confirmed that I can execute some Apache directives from an
.htaccess file in the appropriate directory (so AllowOverride is not set
to None):
Deny from all (AllowOverride Limit)
ErrorDocument (AllowOverride Indexes)

3. I wrote a simple handler, (based on in the Eagle
book), and I tested this from a .htaccess file on my mod_perl
enabled server at home.  It works as expected (i.e. I request
http://montreal/hello/world.htm, and
<HTML><BODY>Hello World</BODY></HTML> is rendered in my browser.)

package OCF::Hello;

use strict;
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);

sub handler {
    my ( $r ) = shift;
    $r->content_type( 'text/html' );
    $r->print( "<HTML><BODY>Hello World</BODY></HTML>");
    return OK;

4. I set the Apache directives in hello/.htaccess to be the same as
those on my home machine:

<FilesMatch "world.htm">
   PerlRequire /usr48/home/cbrooks/public_html/OCF/
   PerlHandler OCF::Hello

Can anyone point me either to alternative directives to try,
configuration questions for their support team, or bugs in my code?

Thanks for your help.

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