On Thursday, September 20, 2001, at 09:41 AM, Nick Tonkin wrote:

> Hello,
> thanks to patches from Brice D. Ruth and others, a new version of
> MSIISProbes.pm is available at
> http://www.tonkinresolutions.com/MSIISProbes.pm.tar.gz

Hi all -

Can anyone provide a couple hints on getting this going with Tenon's 
iTools on MacOS X? For Reuven's CodeRed, it was just a matter of putting 
CodeRed.pm in /Library/Perl and adding the following code to the 
iTools.conf file (equivalent to httpd.conf).

#       added 08/06/01
PerlModule      CodeRed
<Location /default.ida>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler CodeRed

I've since commented out the above lines. I've added MSIISProbes.pm to 
/Library/Perl and also tried it at /Library/Perl/Apache, with no effect. 
I restarted Apache after each change of code and/or location. There 
doesn't appear to be any output (nothing relevant in the logs and no 

#       added 09/20/01
<Location /default.ida>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::MSIISProbes
        PerlSetVar worm_name CodeRed
        PerlSetVar worm_url 

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !nimda
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} /c.dir
RewriteRule .* /nimda? [R,L]

<LocationMatch /nimda*>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler NPT::MSIISProbes
        PerlSetVar worm_name Nimda
        PerlSetVar worm_url 

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Mike Schienle
Interactive Visuals, Inc.

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