raptor wrote:
> hi,
> I have a site, it has two copies one that is on the Dev server (dev-copy)
> and the other Production one.
> So what I want ?
> I want to have the Production site on my dev machine ... ( i'm arraging that
> the DB and all dependant stuff get copied after some time passes). But AS U
> KNOW I can't have two different modules with the same name under one
> mod_perl even if they are on different virtual-hosts, 'cause they get
> precompiled under the same name...
> Is the only solution to use differnt mod_perl processes to handle this
> situation ?!!

This is the best way, but certainly not only way.  Any change
in development could kill your production web server, and you
will probably be stop/starting your web server lots too,
so save yourself, and others visiting your site, the grief 
and keep your dev & prod httpd's running separately on 
different ports at the very least.

Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks Founder                       Huntington Beach, CA  USA 
http://www.nodeworks.com                1-714-625-4051

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