I've worked up a couple of modules that illustrate the storage mechanism I
have in mind.


This consists of PerlKB::Store and PerlKB::Store::File.

An example:

  #! /usr/bin/perl

  use PerlKB::Store;

  $t = tie %hash, 'PerlKB::Store', (type => "File", 
                                    document_root => "/www/com/htdocs");

  print join "\n", keys %hash;

This will print the names of all the files under my document root but not
print the directories.

The main reason for mentioning this is to let people see it and either
suggest other storage mechanisms or even play around with creating others -
PerlKB::Store::DBI for example :)  Of course, if I've made some kind of
mistake, fundamental or otherwise, feel free to say so.

The guts shouldn't be changing in a big way.  Configuration might.

The PerlKB:: namespace should be considered temporary at this point.

PerlKB site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/perlkb/
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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