This doesn't solve the specific problem, but it is a good idea
to tune 'MaxClients' down in httpd.conf to a number that your
server can sustain.   The browsers may see a few errors during
the overload but the server will recover a lot faster when it stops.

  Les Mikesell

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Maunder" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 5:36 PM
Subject: multiple rapid refreshes - how to handle them.

> Is there a standard way of dealing with users who are on high bandwidth
> connections who hit refresh (hold down F5 in IE for example) many times
> on a page that generates alot of database activity?
> On a 10 meg connection, holding down F5 in IE for a few seconds
> generates around 300 requests and grinds our server to a halt. The app
> is written as a single mod_perl handler that maintains state with
> Apache::Session and cookies. content is generated from a backend mysql
> database.
> tnx!

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