I am using RequestNotes with PerlAccessHandler and a PerlHandler.
When the browser connects for the first time,
The PerlAccessHandler sets a session_based cookie, using TIEHASH
$r->pnotes("COOKIES")->{'SESSION_ID'} = $session{_session_id};
And the PerlHandler retrieves the session_id using
$session_id = $r->pnotes("COOKIES")->{'SESSION_ID'}
To my surprise, in the PerlHandler $r->pnotes("COOKIES")->{'SESSION_ID'} has not been set.
Is there any way to share data between different handlers?
Chui Tey
Software Engineer
Advanced Data Integration
PO Box 660
Spring Hill QLD 4004
Ph:07 3250 5300
Fax: 07 3250 5399

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