Should i still lock my dbm files accessed from cgi under mod_perl if i
need only read from them? Not my program nor any others never will write
this files.

 I have a problem with code:

 use DB_File;
 use strict;
 my %fields;
 my $fieldsdb='/path/to/db_file';

  .... some code there ....

if (!(tie(%fields, 'DB_File', $fieldsdb, O_RDONLY, 0666, $DB_HASH)))
  {print "Sorry, database access timeout. $!";}

else { 
    ...other code...

 if (defined($fields{$key})) {print "Field for $key is
 else {print "Field for $key not defined!\n";}

untie %fields;

 If i run this code from command line or under mod_cgi, it work fine.
But if it run repeatedly under mod_perl, it occasionally give me a
"database access timeout" message (see code above), but error value $!
still empty. I'm confused:  why error occurred on tie phase, before any
read statements?

The second problem is - even after successful tie()-ing of database
rarely i get "Field not defined!" message for defined keys...

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