Hello everybody,

I am new to the list. I have a question I hope you can help me with. It is
not a modperl question, just a normal perl question related to Apache/CGI.

I have this script which forks off a process which does something. I already
encountered the problem of my browser waiting for the child to be finished.
I solved it by closing STDIN/OUT/ERR. But I still have another problem...
Somehow all print statements in my script which occur before the fork-part
of the script are printed twice! I have tried to unbuffer STDOUT, but no
luck until now...

Here's my script:

#! /usr/bin/perl
print "start: pid=$$\n"; # this line gets printed twice!
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # this line gets printed twice!

if (!defined ($pid = fork))
    die "Unable to fork: $!\n";
elsif (! $pid)
    warn "child: pid=$$\n";

    # this is the branch for the child process
    close(STDIN); close(STDOUT); close(STDERR);
    sleep(60); # pause for 1 minute
     exit; # terminate the child process
{       # this is the branch for the parent
    warn "parent: pid=$$ (child=$pid)\n";
    ...print some HTML code....
    exit; # terminate the parent process

Best regards,

The Netherlands

PS I have searched 30 pages of old messages related to forking, but no luck
there! Still I have the feeling that my problem is something trivial... :(

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