[I'm keeping the ml in Cc: to be sure you catch it if problems, and
because other may offer same services]

On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 09:48:52AM -0000, Matt Sergeant took time to write:
> This is sad indeed. Once everything is up and running again I'll write a
> complete document of the nightmares that getting it back up again has been
> and post it to the mod_perl and axkit lists.
> Meanwhile you can get there at - the mailing list
> links are back to axkit.org, so you need to edit the links with the IP
> address again.
> Sorry for the downtime, it's *really* not my fault. Blame NetSol, and Demon,
> and BT, and ClaraNet (get the idea yet?).

This is understandable. However I'm sure that some people may like to
host mirrors for you.
I already offered you in private email to be a secondary NS for your
domain names so that network outages have less consequences. It still

Also, if feasible, I can offer to be a web mirror (behind a 2Mb leased
line), with a local account available through ssh if you need.

Let me know privately if that interets you.
Of course it is for free, I just love mod_perl (and did not yet try
Axkit, but this sounds cool hence my offer).


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