[following Stas' suggestion I have subscribed to the list and posted the patch there, so I am crossposting]
>Do you know if FastCGI is multi-threaded or multi-process on Windows?
Multi process. Each process speaks to mod_fastcgi over a named pipe. As you mention,  this (being multithreaded) avoids the problem to which mod_perl succumbs.
>Also, which FastCGI implementation do you recommend for Windows?
 I am in the process of testing mod_fastcgi, and that being the only one I have seen so far,  I should probably reccomend it... ;)  It appears to be the only apache implementation by the
way. Also says that implementations for IIS and Iplanet were withdrawn by the firm that was producing them.
Setting up is a bit of a pain (though recompiling perl with SFIO is no longer required) Recompilations may be required for apache, mod_fastcgi, Also the Apache configuration can be a little delicate.
After setup is taken care of, however, all it took to convert the application was changing:
use CGI;
my $q=new CGI;
use FCGI;
use CGI::Fast;
my $q;
while($q=new CGI::Fast) {
So it wasn't bad, though I have to say that the app already clears  mod_perl and straight CGI, so it is exceptionally clean (by my standards, at least).
I did run some tests - which basically check activation times, I am working on getting more significant number on concurrency etc. Some patterns do already emerge though:
Testing from a Linux box with:
ab -c 30 -n 60 (30 concurrrent sessions, two requests each) I get:
mod_perl (already compiled):
Concurrency Level:      30
Time taken for tests:   5.463 seconds
Complete requests:      60
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      292080 bytes
HTML transferred:       280620 bytes
Requests per second:    10.98
Transfer rate:          53.47 kb/s received
Fast CGI (throttled at 4 concurrent servers already running):
Concurrency Level:      30
Time taken for tests:   8.018 seconds
Complete requests:      60
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      292440 bytes
HTML transferred:       280980 bytes
Requests per second:    7.48
Transfer rate:          36.47 kb/s received
Straight CGI gave me a server timed out with the same values. So I lowered it to:
ab -c 10 -n 60
Concurrency Level:      10
Time taken for tests:   139.580 seconds
Complete requests:      60
Failed requests:        0
Total transferred:      292140 bytes
HTML transferred:       280680 bytes
Requests per second:    0.43
Transfer rate:          2.09 kb/s received
So mod_perl has a slight speed edge over fastcgi (which is overthrottled a little with four servers). CGI is glacial as exepcted - well, a little more actually, probably accounting for the catastrophic event  entailed by starting a process on NT.
I plan to run some tests also on IIS with CGI and PerlEx and if they're interesting I'll post them.

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