On Mon, 19 Nov 2001, Ian @ International Sports Agnecy wrote:

if you telnet to port 80 and issue a head request manually, what does the
server report exactly?  it should list the modules you have properly


 I'm having a bit of a problem getting everything to work right.
 Everything Compiles, then it looks like it's running, but the moment
 your client (or telnet) connects, it shuts itself down.

 I've tried 'make clean && make && make install' to see if that remedies
 the problem, but that doesn't help.  I've also reset my httpd.conf file
 to the defaults, and that doesn't help either.

 When I do just a 'plain-jane' ./apachectl start (as opposed to an
 ./apachectl startssl), I get the webpages, however, the mod_perl
 interface seems not to work.  (HTML::Mason won't work).

 Any suggestions?


 >From RFC 1925: "(3)  With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine.
 However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure
 where they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under
 them as they fly overhead."


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