>>>>> On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 22:49:46 -0000, "Jonathan M. Hollin" 

Jonathan> Fellow Perl Mongers,
Jonathan> Can anyone help with my latest programming riddle?

Jonathan> I am trying to take advantage of the session-handling
Jonathan> features of Apache::Session.  My program includes the
Jonathan> following code (line numbers added for clarity):

Jonathan> 20: # Session handler (I)...
Jonathan> 21: use Apache::Session::DBI;

Jonathan> [..skip..]

Jonathan> Platform:  Win2K, Apache, mod_perl, MySQL...

Jonathan> Any suggestions (apart from quit programming and take up
Jonathan> farming instead)?

I'm not sure why your code doesn't work but why are you using such old
Apache::Session? Take new Apache::Session which provides MySQL support
via Apache::Session::MySQL.

| Ilya Martynov (http://martynov.org/)          TIV.net (http://tiv.net/) |
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