> Has anyone done such a thing before?

No doubt.

> Can someone point me to docs or
> modules which could help doing this?

Perhaps raw sockets might be a consideration.  However, Apache is
great middleware, so I tend to use it in cases like this.  You might
want to use a session-based approach between the db-Apache and the
app-Apache.  The db-Apache would cache the connections to the legacy
DB returning sessions the app-Apache which would cache them as well.
You'd get the performance of cached DB connections without having to
ensure the HTTP connections remain alive across app-Apache queries.

When a session times out on the db-Apache tier, just rollback
(assuming your DB is transactional) and put it in the free pool for
new sessions.

> Or is this whole idea maybe just
> plain stupid?

I don't think so.  I assume the DB connection cost is high (on the
order of seconds) iwc you need some way to cache connections.

> Are there obvious caveats I haven't thought of?

Garbage collection is an issue.  How do you know when to timeout
(rollback) queries on db-Apache?  Are the queries "atomic" to
app-Apache, i.e. within a single end-user HTTP request or do they span
multiple end-user requests?  (This latter a good idea, imo.)


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