Here I've finished the first version of Log4j for perl.

There already exists a great Logging module Log::Dispatch by Dave
Rolsky and I don't like reinventing the wheels, so my new module
Log::Dispatch::Config just optionally drives configuration parsing
functionality, which Log::Dispatch lacks, against Log4j.

It's now on its way to CPAN and can also be downloaded from:

  file: $CPAN/authors/id/M/MI/MIYAGAWA/Log-Dispatch-Config-0.01.tar.gz
  size: 4656 bytes
   md5: 8300cde5fcf0b8d5f254464434d2f73b

Any suggestionss are highly welcome. Thanks.


    Log::Dispatch::Config - Log4j for Perl

      use Log::Dispatch::Config;

      my $dispatcher = Log::Dispatch->instance;

    Log::Dispatch::Config provides a way to configure Log::Dispatch with
    configulation file (in AppConfig format). I mean, this is log4j for Perl,
    not with all API compatibility though.

    This module has one class method `configure' which parses config file and
    declares `instance' method in Log::Dispatch namespace. So what you should
    do is call `configure' method once in somewhere (like `' in
    mod_perl), then you can get configured dispatcher instance via

    Here is an example of the config file:

      dispatchers = file screen

      file.class = Log::Dispatch::File
      file.min_level = debug
      file.filename = /path/to/log
      file.mode = append
      file.format = [%d] [%p] %m at %F line %L%n

      screen.class = Log::Dispatch::Screen
      screen.min_level = info
      screen.stderr = 1
      screen.format = %m

    Config file is parsed with AppConfig module, see the AppConfig manpage
    when you face configuration parsing error.


          dispatchers = file screen

        `dispatchers' defines logger names, which will be splitted by spaces.
        If this parameter is unset, no logging is done.

          format = [%d] [%p] %m at %F line %L%n
          format = [${datetime}] [${prioity}] ${message} at ${filename} line ${line}\n

        `format' defines log format. `%X' style and `${XXX}' style are both
        supported. Possible conversions format are

          %d ${datetime}        datetime string
          %p ${priority}        priority (debug, indo, warn ...)
          %m ${message}         message string
          %F ${filename}        filename
          %L ${line}            line number
          %P ${package}         package
          %n                    newline (\n)

        `format' defined here would apply to all the log messages to
        dispatchers. This parameter is optional.


    Parameters for each dispatcher should be prefixed with "name.", where
    "name" is the name of each one, defined in global `dispatchers' parameter.

          screen.class = Log::Dispatch::Screen

        `class' defines class name of Log::Dispatch subclasses. This parameter
        is essential.

          screen.format = -- %m --

        `format' defines log format which would be applied only to the
        dispatcher. Note that if you define global `format' also, `%m' is
        double formated (first global one, next each dispatcher one). This
        parameter is optional.

          screen.min_level = info
          screen.stderr = 1

        Other parameters would be passed to the each dispatcher construction.
        See Log::Dispatch::* manpage for the details.

    Declared `instance' method would make `Log::Dispatch' class singleton, so
    multiple calls of `instance' will all result in returning same object.

      my $one = Log::Dispatch->instance;
      my $two = Log::Dispatch->instance; # same as $one

    See GoF Design Pattern book for Singleton Pattern.

    But in practice, in persistent environment like mod_perl, Singleton
    instance is not so useful. Log::Dispatch::Config defines `instance' method
    so that the object reloads itself when configuration file is modified
    since its last object creation time.

    *   LogLevel configuration depending on caller package like log4j?

    Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    the Log::Dispatch manpage, the AppConfig manpage

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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