>>>>> "CH" == Carolyn Hicks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

CH> this to something like 'InvalidLogin' in authen_cred, you can then check
CH> for this and set the reason via $r->subprocess_env in
AuthCookieHandler-> authen_ses_key, before AuthCookie->authenticate wipes
CH> the cookie out. Not extensively tested, but seems to work so far :)

This is what I do.  Unfortunately the diagram in AuthCookie man page
is incorrect in that returning undef from authen_cred sends you back
to the login screen (last I checked), so one must pull these tricks.

my %errors =
   'badpass' => 'Sorry, your login information is incorrect.  Please try again.',
   'suspended' => 'Sorry, your account is supended.  Please contact us for 
   'sessfail' => 'Sorry, there was a problem establishing your session.  Please try 
   'terminated' => 'Sorry, this account has been cancelled.  Please create a new one.',

# Check credentials in database.  If failure, return 'ERROR:code'
# where code is from %errors hash.  On success, return the cookie

sub authen_cred ($$\@) {
  my $self = shift;
  my $r = shift;
  my ($acct,$password,$isAdmin) = @_;

  Apache->request($r);          # need to set for openDB().

  my $dbh = openDB() or return 'ERROR:sessfail';

  # first, check id/password from database
  my $orec = new orec()
    or return 'ERROR:sessfail';
  my $oid = $orec->acct_to_id($acct) or return 'ERROR:badpass';
  eval { $orec->populate_id($oid); };
  return 'ERROR:badpass' if ($@ and $@ =~ m/^notfound/);

  return 'ERROR:terminated' if $orec->owner_status() eq 'terminated';

  $orec->verify_password($password) or return 'ERROR:badpass';

  # ok, so now create a session for them and use that session ID
  # as their cookie value
  my %session;
  eval {
    tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef,
       Handle => $dbh,
       Commit => 0,

  if ($@) {
    warn "authen_cred got $@ creating new session";
    return 'ERROR:sessfail';
  } else {
    $session{user} = $orec->owner_email();
    $session{owner_id} = $orec->owner_id();
    if ($isAdmin) {
      # instantiate the admin record in this session and log that
      # this admin is impersonating this user.
      my $arec = arec->new($orec->{_CONTEXT});
      $session{arec} = $arec;
      $arec->log_action('Logged in as account owner.',$orec);
    return $session{_session_id};

# upon failure to authenticate the session, set MLMAuthReason environment and
# return undef.

sub authen_ses_key ($$$) {
  my $self = shift;
  my $r = shift;
  my $key = shift;

  Apache->request($r);          # need to set for openDB().

  if ($key =~ m/^ERROR:(\w+)(-\d+)?$/) {
    # set $r->subprocess_env('MLMAuthReason') to failure reason
    $r->subprocess_env('MLMAuthReason' => $errors{$1});
    return undef;

  # Check if key is in database.

  my %session;
  eval {
    my $dbh = openDB();
    tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', $key,
       Handle => $dbh,
       Commit => 0,

  if ($@) {
    warn "authen_ses_key got $@ retrieving session `$key'";
    $r->subprocess_env('MLMAuthReason' => 'Unable to retrieve session.  Possibly 
expired.  Please login again.');
    return undef;
  } else {
    # got the session... now stash it away for later use
    return $session{user};

Vivek Khera, Ph.D.                Khera Communications, Inc.
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Rockville, MD       +1-240-453-8497
AIM: vivekkhera Y!: vivek_khera   http://www.khera.org/~vivek/

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