On Wed, 28 Nov 2001, alan matthews wrote:

> I've just seen a pile of posts on a Yahoo board full
> of people with ASP problems.

For Win32 ActivePerl users, if the CPAN.pm method of installing
Apache::ASP becomes confused, you may want to try ppm:

C:\> ppm
ppm> set repository some_name
ppm> install Apache-ASP
ppm> set save
ppm> quit

where the 'set repository ...' command has been broken over
two lines for readability. This "should" install Apache::ASP
plus all its dependencies that you might not have - if it
doesn't, please let me know what it missed. After that, the
Apache::ASP docs and web site are very good at describing
the configuration and use.

See an earlier post today by Joshua Chamas about a way to disable
flock() on Win98 within Apache::ASP, which will be needed for

best regards,
randy kobes

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