> Perrin Harkins wrote:
> >
> > I believe the limiting done by BSD::Resource is pretty harsh and may
> > actually be at the kernel level.  I don't think you can catch the signal
> > deal with it yourself.  What you should do is use Apache::SizeLimit to
> > handle your size constraints, and just use BSD::Resource for extreme
> > i.e. out of control servers in tight loops.
> >
> Thanks for your answer, but (I think) I need BSD::Resource because I
> allow users to write their own scripts (executed with reval from the
> Safe-Module) and they can write infinite loops or consume memory as they
> want - Apache::SizeLimit is not harsh enough for this ;-)

Correct, which is why I said to use both.  SizeLimit catches normal growth,
and BSD::Resource catches emergencies.  You set the limit for BSD::Resource
higher than the one for SizeLimit.
- Perrin

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