
Does anybody know why Apache::Registry caches compiled scripts by their URI, instead 
of by their absolute path?

At my site we have quite a lot of virtual hosts, which use the same base of cgi 
scripts. This causes the same scripts to be compiled and cached several times (one 
time for each virtual host).

As I understand it, this behaviour COULD be changed by putting

  $Apache::Registry::NameWithVirtualHost = 0

in a perl start-up file, which would only cache on the relative URI (without the host 
name), but this won't really do, since not ALL the virtual hostst use the same base of 
CGI scripts.

So I was just wondering why the compiled scripts are not cached under the absolute 
path to the script, instead of under the URI, as the former seems quite logical at 
first and would seem to solve some performance/memory issues when using virtual hosts.

This design choice probably has a very good reason, which I am just unable to see. I 
would just like to find out in order to learn... :-)

Nicholas Oxhøj

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