On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, Grant Babb wrote:

> all-
> don't even start with me about using win2K: sometimes (make that ALL the
> times) you don't get to make those kind of decisions.
> i loaded Apache and mod_perl onto a win2k box with ActivePerl.  everything
> compiled and started without errors, thanks to the magical binaries of Mr
> Kobes and the Winnipeg site.  Then I  find that ActivePerl has no EmbPerl
> module my sole reason for installing mod_perl.  I know they have some
> proprietary version, but i will gladly pass on that.

    We have an HTML::Embperl ppm package (and also
Apache::ASP and HTML::Mason) at
which you can install via the ppm utility in the same way that
the mod_perl package is installed from this location.

best regards,
randy kobes

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