At 5:15 PM -0500 10/11/01, George Sanderson wrote:
>I discovered that File::NCopy uses the function "glob" to expand file
>names.  My problem is that I need to pass file names that have spaces in
>them and "glob" does not process them.  So I did the following override (I
>do not need to expand the file names):
>package Apache::AAM;
>. . .
>package File::NCopy;
>use subs qw(glob);
>sub glob {@_};
>package Apache::AAM;
>. . .

*File::NCopy::glob = sub {@_};  # should do the same thing

I think _Advanced Perl Programming_ covered overriding subs with subrefs...


"Only two things are infinite: The universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not
sure about the former." --Albert Einstein

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