Hi George,

On Thu, 11 Oct 2001, George Sanderson wrote:

> Is there anything special about putting things, like, [OT] in the subject
> line, other than being informative?

See attached.

This document is named "admin.txt".

Introduction to The mod_perl Mailing List 

Ninety percent of the questions asked on the List have already been
asked before, and answers will be found at one of the links below.
Before you post to the mod_perl List, please read the following.
Hopefully it will save you (and everyone else) some time.

Except where noted the language of all documents is English.

1.  What is mod_perl?


2.  What you need to know to be able to use mod_perl

You need to know about Apache, CGI and of course about Perl itself.
There are links to extensive resources covering these and other topics
on the mod_perl home - see below for the URI.  If you already have
Perl on your machine then it's likely that you already have the Perl
documentation.  Try typing `perldoc perldoc' and `man perl'.

3.  How to get help with mod_perl itself


is the mod_perl home, it has links for everything related to mod_perl.

3.1.  Documentation which comes with the distribution

Read the documents which came with mod_perl, particularly the ones
named INSTALL, README and SUPPORT.  Also read the documents to which
they refer.  Read all the relevant documentation about your operating
system, any tools you use such as compilers and databases, and about
the Apache Web server.

You will get a much better response from the mod_perl List if you can
show that you have made the effort of reading the documentation.

3.2.  Other documentation

There are dozens of references to many authoritative resources at


These references cover many topics other than mod_perl itself.
See also the section below about the mod_perl Guide.

4.  How to get on (and off!) the mod_perl mailing List

Traffic on the mod_perl List can be high at times, several hundred
posts per week, so you might want to consider subscribing to the
mod_perl Digest List as an alternative to the mod_perl List.

4.1.  To get on the Lists

There are two stages to getting on the list.  Firstly you have to send
a mail message to:




You will receive a reply with detailed instructions.  Secondly you
have to do what it says in the instructions.  After you are subscribed
you will receive a messsage with lots of useful information about the
List.  Read it.  Print it, even.  Save a copy of it.  You *can* get
another copy of it, but then you'll feel silly.

4.2.  To get off the List

Instructions on how to unsubscribe are posted in the headers of every
message which you receive from the List.  Basically you have to send a
message to:


Instructions on how to get help are also posted in the headers of
every message which you receive from the List.  Send a message to:


5.  To post to the List

"Posting" to the List is just sending a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.

Your message will not be accepted unless you have first subscribed,
see the section above.

Do not post questions to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, except to
subscribe to the list!  Please do not post to the List to unsubscribe.

5.1.  Private mail

Please do not send private mail to List members unless it is invited.

5.2.  Other tips

5.2.1.  PLEASE read the information in sections 1, 2 and 3 above
before posting.  Please also try to see if your question has been
asked recently, there are links to searchable archives of the List
on the mod_perl home page <http://perl.apache.org>.

5.2.2.  The "Subject:" line is important.  Choose an *informative*
"Subject:" line for the mail header.  Busy List members will skip
messages with unclear subjects.  See also 5.2.8 below.

5.2.3.  To save time and to keep badwidth usage to a minimum, please
keep posts reasonably short, but please make it clear precisely what
you are asking.  If you can, send a *small* example which reproduces
your problem.  Please do not send long scripts which cannot easily be
understood.  Please do not send large attachments of many kilobytes,
if they are needed then put them on the Web somewhere or say in your
message that you can send them separately if they are needed.

5.2.4.  Don't forget that the people reading the list have no idea
even what operating system your computer runs unless you tell them.
Include at least the information requested in the document entitled
SUPPORT which you will find in the mod_perl distribution.

You can see an <A HREF="http://perl.apache.org/maillist/goodpost.html";>
excellent example</A> of a post with good supporting information on
the mod_perl site.  The followup posts show you how easy the writer
made it for the person who replied to deduce the problem and recommend
a solution.

5.2.5.  Sometimes you will not get a reply.  Try again after a few
days.  Sometimes the replies you get will be very short.  Please do
not worry about that.  People are very busy, that's all.

5.2.6.  Post in PLAIN TEXT.  Do not post in HTML.  Microsoft users in
particular should take careful note of this.  Use either the US-ASCII
or ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) character set, do not use other character sets
which may be designed for those who do not speak English and which may
not be displayable on many terminals.  If you ignore this advice then
the chances are greater that your message will not be read.

5.2.7.  If you include error messages in your post, make sure that
they are EXACTLY the messages which you saw.  Try not to say things
like "the computer said something about not recognizing a command".
Try instead to say something like this:

"When logged in as root I typed the command

  `httpd -X'

at the console and on the console I saw the message

  Syntax error on line 393 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Invalid
  command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
  not included in the server configuration [FAILED]"

5.2.8.  It can be helpful if you use a tag [in square brackets] in the
"Subject:" line, as well as the brief description of your post.  It
does not matter whether you use [UPPER CASE] or [lower case] or even a
[Mixture Of Both] in the tag.

Some suggested tags are:

  ADMIN         Stuff about running the List.

  ADVOCACY      Promoting the use of mod_perl, printing T-shirts, stuff like
                that.  Please don't start another discussion about whether we
                should put this on a different list, we've been there before.

  ANNOUNCE      Announcements of new software tools, packages and updates.

  ASP           Joshua Chamas' implementation of Perl embedded in HTML.

  BENCHMARK     Apache/mod_perl performance issues.

  BUG           Report of possible fault in mod_perl or associated software
                - it's better if you can send a patch instead!

  DBI           Stuff generally concerning Apache/mod_perl interaction
                with databases.

  FYI           For information only.

  JOB           Any post about mod_perl jobs is welcome as long as it is
                brief and to the point.  Note: Not "JOBS".

  MASON         Jonathan Swartz' implementation of Perl embedded in HTML.

  NEWS          Items of news likely to be interesting to mod_perlers.

  OffTopic      Or [OT] Off-topic items, please try to keep traffic low.

  PATCH         Suggested fix for fault in mod_perl or associated software.

  QUESTION      Questions about mod_perl which is not covered by one of the
                more specific headings.

  RareModules   Occasional reminders about little-used modules on CPAN.

  RFC           Requests for comment from the mod_perl community.

  SITE          Stuff about running the Apache/mod_perl servers.

  SUMMARY       After investigation and perhaps fixing a fault, and after an
                extended discussion of a specific topic, it is helpful if
                someone summarizes the thread.  Don't be shy, everyone will
                appreciate the effort.

If you can't find a tag which fits your subject, don't worry.  If you
have a very specific subject to discuss, feel free to choose your own
tag, for example [mod_proxy] or [Perl Sections] but remember that the
main reasons for the "Subject:" line are to save people time and to
improve the response to your posts.

5.2.9. If you are replying to a post, please include SHORT excerpts 
from the post to which you are replying so that others can follow the
'thread' of the conversation without having to wade through reams of
superfluous text.  If you are lazy about this the messages can get
very long indeed and become a burden to the other people who might be
trying to help.

5.3.  The mod_perl List is NOT for general Perl and Apache questions.

You could try one of the comp.lang newsgroups.  From time to time there
are efforts to start a dedicated Perl mailing List and these usually
result in a message or two on the mod_perl List, so it might be worth
your while to search the archives, see 5.2.1.

Please note that there are now separate mailing lists for EmbPerl and
Mason, but although we keep trying to get a separate List off the ground
for "Advocacy" it always seems to end up back on the mod_perl List.

The majority view is tolerant of off-topic posts, but it is considered
impolite to post general Perl and Apache questions here.  The best you
can hope for is a private reply and a polite reminder that the question
is off-topic for this List.

If you catch someone on a bad day, you might not get the best.  There
are often bad days in software development departments...

6.  Replying to posts

6.1.  The "Subject:" line

Make sure that you include the exact "Subject:" from the original
post, unmodified.  This makes it much easier for people (and for the
mail software) to deal with the mail.  If you must change the subject
line then please append the words "was originally" plus the original
subject line to your new subject line so that folks can see what is
going on.

6.2.  If you know that the intended recipients are subscribed to the
List, there is no need to send messages both to them and to the List.
They will get more than one copy of the message which is wasteful.

6.3.  Private replies

It is helpful to keep most of your replies on the List, so that others
see that help is being given and so they do not waste time on problems
which have already been solved.  Where it is appropriate to take a
discussion off the List (for example where it veers off-topic, as
often happens), say so in a message so that everyone is aware of it.

6.4.  Flames

The readers of the mod_perl List aren't interested in that kind of
thing.  Don't get involved.

7.  The mod_perl Guide

You absolutely *must* read the mod_perl Guide.

It is a large document, you probably will want to download it and read
it off-line.  If you get the source (see below) it comes with a build
file to turn the .pod (Plain Old Documentation) source into HTML, .ps
(PostScript) and .pdf (Portable Document Format).  You will need at
least Perl version 5.005 to build it.  If you browse the Guide on-line
you can use one of the search engines to find things in it.  If you
build and browse your own local HTML copy of the Guide, some of the
links in it will not work unless you are connected to the Internet.
Some people prefer to work offline, using tools like `grep' or `mc' to
search the .pod source directly.

7.1.  Finding the Guide

The URL of the Guide is:


The sources are available from CPAN and other mirrors:


A long time ago it was called the "mini-guide" and you might still
find it called that in some older documents.  It is now over 600 pages
long, so it is not really "mini" any more.

7.2.  Corrections and contributions - getting the Guide source

Corrections and additions to the Guide are welcome.  The original is
kept in .pod format, and it is converted to other formats by Perl
code.  The Guide changes rather frequently (the CVS snapshot is
updated every six hours!) so if you want to make a contribution make
sure that you get the latest version of the Guide source from


and make your changes to the .pod source only.  In the first instance,
post your changes to the mod_perl List for comment.

This document is named "admin.txt".
Its URI is "ftp://ftp.jubileegroup.co.uk/pub/mod_perl/admin/admin.txt";
This version dated 18 December 2000.
This document is maintained by Ged W. Haywood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Disclaimer: >/dev/null
11 Jun 2000  Initial publication for comment
18 Dec 2000  Minor corrections and additions

Reply via email to