I had already tried this knowing that it would work since Apache::Request is
a different class as Perrin had mentioned in his reply.

I tried Apache::RegistryLoader->request just to see if it would assign a
value to $r and it did but it failed because the value was null.

I need to find out why Apache->request is not being found and assigning a
value. I familiar enough with how the modules work to be able to find out
what the problem is.

Please help,



Issac Goldstand wrote:

> Try doing my $r=Apache::Request->new($r);
>    Issac
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> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Randy Rasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 18:35
> Subject: Problem with Apache->request
> > I am having a problem with a module that needs Apache->request.
> >
> > The module is AuthCookieLDAP. I have a .htaccess (/test2/.htaccess) file
> > that looks like:
> > AuthType Apache::AuthCookieLDAP
> > AuthName SA
> > PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthCookieLDAP->authenticate
> > PerlAuthzHandler Apache::AuthCookieLDAP->authorize
> > require valid-user
> >
> > That in turn reads my httpd.conf file which has the following:
> > <Files LOGIN>
> >  AuthType Apache::AuthCookieLDAP
> >  AuthName SA
> >  SetHandler perl-script
> >  PerlHandler Apache::AuthCookieLDAP->login
> > </Files>
> >
> > PerlModule Apache::AuthCookieLDAP
> > PerlSetVar SAPath /
> > PerlSetVar SALoginScript /cgi-bin/login.pl
> > PerlSetVar SALDAP_DN "o=isp"
> > PerlSetVar SADBI_DSN "isp"
> > PerlSetVar SALDAP_SecretKeyFile .../apache/foobar.com.key
> > PerlSetVar SALDAP_User tesuser
> > PerlSetVar SALDAP_host host.foobar.com
> > #PerlSetVar SALDAP_host ldap.foobar.com
> > PerlSetVar SALDAP_EncryptionType "none"
> > PerlSetVar SALDAP_SessionLifetime 00-24-00-00
> >
> >
> > Then it runs the login.pl script which looks like:
> > #!/usr/bin/perl
> > #
> > # $Id: login.pl,v 1.1 2000/07/11 17:03:05 jacob Exp $
> > use strict;
> > use 5.004;
> > use Text::TagTemplate;
> > use Apache;
> >
> > my $t = new Text::TagTemplate;
> > my $r = Apache->request();
> >
> > my $destination;
> > my $authcookiereason;
> > if ( $r->prev() ) { # we are called as a subrequest.
> >         $destination = $r->prev()->args()
> >                      ? $r->prev()->uri() . '?' .  $r->prev->args()
> >                      : $r->prev()->uri();
> >         $authcookiereason = $r->prev()->subprocess_env(
> > 'AuthCookieReason' );
> > } else {
> >         $destination = $r->args( 'destination' );
> >         $authcookiereason = $r->args( 'AuthCookieReason' );
> > }
> > $t->add_tag( DESTINATION => $destination );
> >
> > unless ( $authcookiereason eq 'bad_cookie' ) {
> >         $t->template_file( "../html/login.html" );
> > } else {
> >         $t->template_file( "../html/login-failed.html" );
> > }
> >
> > $r->send_http_header;
> > print $t->parse_file unless $r->header_only;
> >
> >
> > When I go to /test2/index.html I get this error:
> > Can't locate object method "request" via package "Apache" at
> > .../cgi-bin/login.pl line 16.
> > [Wed Oct 10 10:43:26 2001] [error] [client] Premature end
> > of script headers: .../cgi-bin/login.pl
> >
> > Here is the software and versions I have installed:
> >
> > apache 1.3.20, Apache-AuthCookie-3.00, Apache-AuthCookieLDAP-0.02,
> > mod_perl-1.26, perl5.005_02
> >
> > Please help. I have looke all over deja.com, and all of the perl and
> > mod_perl sites I can think of to no avail.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Randy
> >
> >
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