* Kairam, Raj ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [011130 15:10]:
> In my perl script I have a line like this.
> system( "'/usr/bin/lp -dhp4si /tmp/plotreq.txt' > /tmp/plotid.txt");
> hp4si is the destination printer.
> /tmp/plotreq.txt  is small text file to be sent to the printer.
> /tmp/plotid.txt is the output of lp command ( just one line to indicate job
> id )to be saved.
> If I run the command /usr/bin/lp -dhp4si /tmp/plotreq.txt > /tmp/plotid.txt
> it is fine as a command line.
> The same in the perl script as above, doesn't send the file to printer nor
> does it create the /tmp/plotid.txt file.
> I have tried this also and did not work.
> @lplist = ("/usr/bin/lp", "-dhp4si /tmp/plotreq.txt");
> system(@lplist);
> This is the context.
> sub search {
>   some code
>   ....
>   open(REQFILE, ">/tmp/plotreq.txt") || die "sorry, could not open
> /tmp/plotreq.txt";
>   some more code to generate content for plotreq.txt
>   ......
>   close(REQFILE);
>   .... This is where I tried the above to send the file to the printer.
> }
> This sub is part of a cgi script that creates output for the browser. The
> browser output is OK.
> The /tmp/plotreq.txt is generated but not being sent to the printer.
> Can somebody guide me to do it right ?.
> Thanks
> Raj kairam

Have you tried to 'su -' to nobody (or whomever your server is running as)
and run the command that way?  Have you tried to run the script from the command-line
and see what that yields?

On a side note, you may want to ensure that you are using Taint for all of your CGI
scripts when they interact with the OS.


J. J. Horner

Freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition:  either we 
are completely free, or we are subjects of a
tyrannical system.  If we lose one freedom in a
thousand, we become completely subjugated.

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