i have a simple question.  im not sure if there is a mod_perl directive or
module for this but id like to perform this simple task:

two web pages run in sequence. the first page, id like a user to select
several files from his/her machine for uploading to the server using the
input type "file" tag.  when the user requests the next page, i DO NOT want
the files to immediately transfer (many reasons for this, just a hard
requirement).  rather, id like to store the names of the files into a cookie
or save it on the server with apache::session.  this part I already have
working, and am storing the file names into a tied hash using
apache::session module.

then the user moves onto the second web page and populates more form fields
with additional information.  upon submitting this second form, the files
from the previous web page (names stored in the hash %session from
apache::session) are then sent to the server.

im not sure whether or not this can be done, anyone have any clues?


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