"Randy J. Ray" wrote:
> For the next release of my RPC::XML package, I plan to roll out a status
> tracker akin to Apache::Status in mod_perl, only to monitor/examine the RPC
> servers being managed by the mod_perl-ennabled Apache server. I would like to
> have the main page of this Apache::RPC::Status system offer a link to
> /perl-status, or whatever the correct URI is, if Apache::Status is available.

I would go the other way - add your handler right to Apache::Status. 
so, basically /perl-status would have

Perl Configuration
Apache::RPC Status

of course, the cookbook has a recipe on how to do this, but you can
find the relevant info in the Apache::Status manpage :)

> Is there a way to detect whether Apache::Status is assigned to a location as a
> handler, and if so, what the URI for this handler is? 

not really, but you won't need to know this if you hang your routine
off of Apache::Status directly.

> On a related note, how
> much information is available to me at run-time about other locations? Is it
> possible to tell things like authorization settings, etc., about a URI from
> within a running mod_perl?

look into subrequests...


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