Please see if you notice anything glaringly wrong in what I'm doing.

Basically my problem is that my filter isn't passing data along, eg what I 
print in filter1 isn't getting output, even though filter2 get's the 
filehandle and loops over it.  My setup is pretty akin to what the docs offer 
in the synopsis.

in httpd.conf
PerlModule Apache::Filter

<Files support>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlSendHeader ON
        PerlSetVar Filter On
        PerlHandler Filter1 Filter2

in the filters
sub handler
        my $r = shift;
        $r = $r->filter_register();
        my ($fh, $status) = $r->filter_input();
        return $status unless $status == OK;
        print "Filter 2";       #filter 1 has "filter1", obviously
        return OK;

now, according to what I've read, this should print out the "Filter 1Filter 
2", which is what I need to let me get real work done, but all I get is 
Filter 2.  So all powerful list, WTF am I missing (it's gotta be something 
obvious, it always is).


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