> I'm curious about one thing:  How easy is it to do fill-out forms
> with pipelining templating systems like AxKit?  I'd think that in
> such cases the stylesheet would have to do so much work that it
> would become, in essence, like a CGI script.

Can you explain what work you're talking about here?  In general, form
processing works great with a pipeline style.  If you're displaying an empty
form, there is nothing to do before running the template.  If you're
displaying a form with data filled in, you collect the data in the
processing part of your code and then pass it to the template.  What is it
that's giving you trouble?

As for which system to use, AxKit certainly has the broadest support for
XML.  If you're not enjoying working with XML you could try a system like
Template Toolkit or HTML::Template that allow you to pass your data as
normal perl data structures.  Of course you can do that with Embperl too if
you can be disciplined about keeping separate components for application
logic vs. display.

- Perrin

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