Perrin Harkins wrote:
> > I looked at Memory Usage at my perl-status page and was horrified: the
> > biggest modules are:
> >
> > File::Find                                   1205208 bytes |  2597 OPs
> > Convert::ASN1::parser                        1058185 bytes |  3069 OPs
> >
> > However, if I go inside File::Find, I can't figure out what takes up so
> > much space:
> It could be internal structures holding the state.  Are you pre-loading this
> module?  It probably doesn't really use 1MB in each process.


I do preload the module. How do I find out what it really uses?

Simon (Vsevolod ILyushchenko)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

"A man who feels himself a citizen of the world whose 
loyalty is to the human race and to life, rather than 
to any exclusive part of it; a man who loves his country 
because he loves mankind, and whose judgement is not 
warped by tribal loyalties." Erich Fromm

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