--On mardi 11 décembre 2001 12:25 +0000 "Jonathan M. Hollin" 

> Hey Gang,
> When using Mail::Sender only the first email is sent on my mod_perl
> server. When I investigated, I realised that the socket to the SMTP
> server was staying open after the completion of that first email
> (presumably mod_perl is responsible for this persistence).
> Is there any way to defeat the persistence on the socket while running my
> script under mod_perl, or do such scripts always need to be mod_cgi?
> FYI, the script works fine under mod_cgi.

maybe you should just call Close() on the Mail::Sender object,
from the docs:


         Close and send the mail. This method should be called
         automatically when destructing the object, but you
         should call it yourself just to be sure it gets called.
         And you should do it as soon as possible to close the
         connection and free the socket.

         The mail is being sent to server, but is not processed
         by the server till the sender object is closed!

Eric Cholet

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