> for example if the protected url was http://www.site.com/ the user
> would be redirected to http://www.site.com/error/401 for the error
> message.. and because its protected wouldnt display the custom error
> page instead displaying the following error "Additionally, a 401
> Authorization Required error was encountered while trying to use an
> ErrorDocument to handle the request.". Which i can understand.

How about 
Put your 401 html page into a directory like /error.
Set the PerlAuthenHandler for /error to Apache::Constants::OK:

<Location /error>
AuthType Basic
PerlAuthenHandler Apache::Constants::OK

# This 'require' is actually required. :-)
require valid-user

Do the same for the dir where any/all of its images are located 
-- or -- 
Put the images specific to the 401 handler in /error.

That should do it.
(but I haven't tested it, so YMMV :-).


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Disclaimer qw/:standard/;

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