IMP is probably the best but it's written in PHP


> I can use a primer on researching WebMail programs with the following
> criterian:
> - Linux based
> - Free
> - Preferably in Perl
> - Modularized Authentication subsystem (ie could hook up adapters to 
>   check with LDAP or RDBMS, though Linux can do that also)
> - Apache support
> - IMAP support
> - Multi-lingual (can be a phase II)
> - As feature-rich as possible (can be a phase II)
> Please note that I'm not looking for a service, I'm looking for the
> software itself.
> Thanks
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Medi Montaseri                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Unix Distributed Systems Engineer            HTTP://
> CyberShell Engineering
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------

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