If you're developing a complex application, you'll probably want to
split it in a horde of specialized modules. Few things to remember:

You will probably feel the need to use static variables (i.e. variables
shared with all instances of a given class) at some point. For example
if you have a singleton object you might have something like that:

  package Your::Singleton;
  use strict;
  use 5.6;
  use our $ETERNAL = undef;

  sub instance
    my $class = shift;
    return $ETERNAL if (defined $ETERNAL);
    $ETERNAL = $class->new (@_);
    return $ETERNAL;
  sub new { ... blah blah code ... }


ALWAYS reinitialize $Your::Singleton::ETERNAL on each query!
mod_perl will *NOT* do it for you.

You might think 'ah yeah but it would be nice if
$Your::Singleton::ETERNAL could be persistent across queries...' which
is sometimes desirable, but remember that if you have multiple instances
of your application running on the same apache,
$Your::Singleton::ETERNAL will be common to ALL of them.

Cyclic memory references are dangerous, try to avoid them as much as
possible! Perl garbage collector does miserably fails in the case of
cyclic refs.

If you have a cycling references that keep going out of scope, they will
never be garbage collected and your server might have some trouble :-)

Beware of regular expressions /o modifier! The application I'm working
on has a cool feature heavily using regular expressions: automagic
hyperlinking of text / html data when appropriate. I used to use the /o
modifier and got a few nasty surprises (until I discovered the mod_perl
guide traps page)

Other than that, more generally speaking:

Always hide classes implementation with method calls! Not so long ago I
did tend to write using less method calls and directly accessing
object's attributes and now this is my #1 source of maintenance problem
and headaches.

It you think it's too slow then consider it's better to buy a bigger CPU
than 3 tons of aspirin. Also avoid using packages names inside functions
as much as possible, as it tends to screw inheritance.

Finally my biggest piece of advice:

ENFORCE a coding style. ENFORCE using english for variable, function
names and comments (for example although I'm French I really can't stand
code written with french variable names and comments! The Perl language
is using English keywords after all. Be consistent FFS) . ENFORCE
commenting what every single method does.

Having said that I do naturally tend to write awful code that only I can
understand, but at least everything is properly commented :)

  Jean-Michel Hiver - Software Director
  +44 (0)114 221 4968
                                      VISIT HTTP://WWW.MKDOC.COM

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