At 11:51 AM +0000 12/23/01, Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
>Maybe the way to do it would be to have a Serializable class that could have
>the following methods:
>freeze($self) : SCALAR
>thaw ($class) : OBJECT
>clone($self) : OBJECT;
>_freeze($self): SCALAR

Hmmm... Maybe instead of Subclassing directly, we should implement 
some sort of wrapper which would flag transient data internally.

my $serobj = Transient::Serobj->new(
        'Serializer' => 'Storable'

my $str = $serobj->freeze;

my $deserobj = Transient::Serobj->thaw($str,{
        'Serializer' => 'Storable',
        'Callbacks' => {
                'KEY' => [CODEREF,CBARGS],


When the thaw method is called, it reads the stored object data 
($str) and where the transient data is normally stored, the callback 
(if specified) would be called.  Otherwise the transient data 
wouldn't be defined.

For instance, If I only wanted to store the two letter US State 
abbreviation, but wanted to automatically have access to the state 
name, you could implement it something like

my $session = Transient::Serobj->thaw($str,{
        'Serializer' => 'Storable',
        'Callbacks' => {
                'STATENAME' => [
                        sub {

print "I live in ",$session->FETCH('STATENAME'),"\n";

It's seems a bit longwinded here, but once it was subclassed (along 
with a few modified constants or variables), it would probably be 
much cleaner...


When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When 
I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.  

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