At Sun, 30 Dec 2001 16:39:47 -0800 , Bill Moseley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

>At 05:17 PM 12/30/01 -0600, Ryan Thompson wrote:
>>      use Template;
>>      my %vars;
>>      $var{foo} = "bar";   # About 30 scalars like this
>>      .
>>      .
>>      my $tt = new Template({INTERPOLATE => 1});
>Cache your template object between requests.

Yes, you are not using caching at all if you create a new Template object on each 
request.  And turn on disk-caching as well.  And use the new XS code option if you can.

You might want to move your questions over to the Template Toolkit list for more 
specific and detailed help.

- Perrin

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