On Tue, Jan 08, 2002 at 10:07:18AM -0600, Stathy G. Touloumis wrote:
> >I've just started learning modperl and I started with a simple module
> >for apache httpd 1.3.22.
> >This simple module (see below) sets & gets a cookie at every request.
> >I thought it wasn't too difficult. I put it into the fixup phase (any
> >problem with it?).
> >First it seemed to work, but when I put a 'print STDERR' line in it, I
> >saw that my script ran many times on one request.
> What is your interpretation of 'one' request?  Remember, when requesting a 
> url there may be 'many' requests that go along with it for loading images 
> and other media.
> If you don't want to set/get cookie for every request try filtering based 
> on $r->content_type.  But, your handler will still be called for every 
> request : )

Apache provides configuration tools that can help.  PerlFixupHandlers
can be placed within a <Location> or <LocationMatch> container.  For

 <LocationMatch "^/myapp/.*html$">

will insure that your fixup handler is only called on requests that
start with "/myaap/" and end with ".html".

Paul Lindner    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

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