The Apache server processes its config file twice when starting up,
and our code doesn't react well to that.  On the first pass,
everything initializes hunky-dorily (if that's a word), but on the
second pass lots of stuff that is assumed to be loaded in memory
doesn't work.

This has been working just fine under our old setup, using Apache
httpd version 1.3.14, mod_perl 1.24_01, and Perl 5.00503.  But we're
trying to upgrade to 1.3.22, 1.26, and 5.6.2 respectively, and now
we have lots of problems.

What I think I need to do is add some logic to test which pass we are
currently running, and act according to that.  Or are there any known
bugs in Apache, mod_perl, or Perl that might be causing the trouble?


William R Ward            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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