I've had a little bit of a look, but can't find anything in the mod_perl guide about this. Basically it seems to me that 'my' variables at the package level don't retain their value under mod_perl.
For instance, consider the following mod_perl handler.
package My::Module;
my $var;
sub handler {
    warn($var || 'blah');
    $var = 'test';
Each time, the warn is for 'blah' because the value 'test' is never retained in $var. Is this intended behaviour? Personally I don't actually do this myself, but the module MIME::Types does, and it's causing it to break badly.
Actually, it's a bit deeper than that. MIME::Types does this:
my %list;
sub new(@) { (bless {}, shift)->init( {@_} ) }
sub init($)
{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
    unless(keys %list)
    {   local $_;
        {   s/\#.*//;
            next if m/^$/;
What I'm finding is that it ends up running the loop everytime because (keys %list) == 0 always. Now in theory this should work, it would just be a performance annoyance. But it doesn't, if I change the code to
    {   local $_;
        {   s/\#.*//;
            next if m/^$/;
I end up seeing in my logs...
[Mon Jan 14 13:47:01 2002] null: type: application/index.response
[Mon Jan 14 13:47:01 2002] null: type: application/index.vnd
[Mon Jan 14 13:47:01 2002] null: type: application/iotp
[Mon Jan 14 13:47:01 2002] null: type: application/ipp
[Mon Jan 14 13:47:01 2002] null: type: applicati at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/MIME/Types.pm line 75, <DATA> line 30.
Weird, it's like the <MIME::Types::DATA> handle just mysteriously ran out of data halfway through reading from it. Does anybody have any idea what's going on here. What's the best idea for fixing a module like this, change all:
my $var;
usr vars qw($var);
and submit a patch?

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