>  3) Perl-based applications can just use the module and the common key
>     to decrypt the contents of the cookie to find the authenticated
>     username.  If the cookie is not present redirect to the central
>     authentication page, passing in the URL to return to after
>     authentication.

Hmmm... Can I do it securely without using Kerberos? I think so. Looks like
if I use https instead of http, people won't be able to steal my (encoded)
session information as it is transmitted. And I can also add the IP address
to the cookie information.

But the cookies file might be readable by other people! If they can steal
that file and change the IP address of another machine to yours, they can
pretend they are you!
I wonder if there is a way out of this...


Simon (Vsevolod ILyushchenko)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
http://www.simonf.com          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

"A man who feels himself a citizen of the world whose 
loyalty is to the human race and to life, rather than 
to any exclusive part of it; a man who loves his country 
because he loves mankind, and whose judgement is not 
warped by tribal loyalties." Erich Fromm

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