Lots of luck.

I tried 1.26 and 2.0 last night... you'll get a lot of errors, unless I missed

Philip M. Gollucci (p6m7g8) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 301.314.3118

Science, Discovery, & the Universe (UMCP)
        Webmaster & Webship Teacher
        URL: http://www.sdu.umd.edu

        Database/PERL Programmer & System Admin
        URL : http://www.ejournalpress.com

Resume      : http://www.p6m7g8.com/resume.txt

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Bryan Henry wrote:

> are there issues with running mod_perl on Apache 2.0?
> I have not found any complaints or warnings in any documentation.
> regards,
> Bryan

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