Only thing I my self find sofar is that I should be using the 
sticky tag under textfield: 
textfield(-name=>'fieldsname', -override=>1);
or use force in stead of override..

Ok  I did not see that right away but I find the differences in behaviour
quite puzzling. 

Arnold van Kampen

On Sat, 12 Jan 2002, Arnold van Kampen wrote:

> Hi
> What could be wrong in this few lines: 
> It is supposed to add 10 to the value in the textfield after each
> submission.
> I tried it on another pc too, same result.
> (one I leave alone most of the time; no messing around) 
> I also tried it under the perl directory (Apache::Registry)
> I tried using CGI 2.80 in stead of the old 2.56
> I tried using hidden field, same result.
> I tried more oo like with my $q = new CGI
> The textfield entry does not work(or only 2 times!??).
> h1($bla) always shows the proper value, yet it does not appear in the
> textfield)
> The outcommented string does work repetitively as expected!
> I have been using these cgi functions for quite a while.
> This is so stupid it hurts.
> Does this look familiar to anyone?
> package Test::Test;
> use strict;
> use CGI qw(:standard :html3);
> use Apache::Reload;
> sub handler {
>         my $bla= param('position') + 10;
>         print header,start_html,h1('aaaaaa'),
>         startform,      
>         textfield(-name=>'position',-value=>$bla, -maxlength=>10),
> #        "<td><input type=text name=position value=".$bla."></td>",
>         h1($bla),
>         submit(),
>         endform,
>         end_html;
> }
> 1;
> __END__

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