Jon Molin wrote:

> Hi list,
> I had problems with a script that went nuts and took 65MB memory and
> alot of cpu. To track this script down I thought Apache:VMonitor would
> be perfect, unfortenately I ran into some weird promlems (it said there
> was an error in mod_perl.h) and i know gcc might be broken on this
> machine so I started scratching my head and came to the conclusion that
> this 'oneliner' ought to help me track the error down:
> find /www/docs -name '*.cgi' -type f -exec perl -pi -e
> 's:(#!/usr/bin/perl[ w-]*\s*):$1\nprint STDERR "\\nPID=\$\$
> SCRIPT=\$ENV{REQUEST_URI} \\n";\n:s;' {} \;
> ie, every script now prints it's httpd pid and it's request_uri. So i
> just started waiting watching top with excitment and when the 65 MB
> httpd process i greped for the pid in the error_log and got the
> scriptname and it's arguments. 
> Then i reproduced the error on a server with VMonitor to see if what i
> missed out. Ok i could see the name of the scrpit but the real problem
> was with the query_string, choped after a couple of chars. Now, if i
> understand things right (i tried some tweaking on the module) it's not
> possible to get more than 64 char. Why is this, and is it really so?

it's the limitation from apache scoreboard, it gives us only 64 chars. I 
  don't think this is going to change this scoreboard must be very light 
and not to add an overhead to requests.

> I know I'm no Einstein and i presume thousands of ppl have tried tracing
> similar problems, how did you do it? There must be a more effective way
> to find it? I know I would've got the script name but since i never
> thought it would get the input it got chances are it'd take me a long
> time finding the problem if i only knew the name. 

It's actually easy, take a look at the Apache::SizeLimit or 
Apache::GTopLimit, look at the cleanup handler that they register. Now 
take this handler and dump whatever you need to the file or error_log 
when you find that the process was taking too much memory.

Take a look at this code and you will see that it's very simple.

Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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