Hi. I'm trying to update Apache::AuthenCache and Apache::AuthzCache to use
Cache::Cache instead of IPC::Cache. The cutover should be straightforward
enough, but I am finding a roadblock. I'm hoping someone can point out
something obvious I'm overlooking. Here is the relevant hunk of code and
output from the debug-set apache.

my $cache = Cache::FileCache->new({ namespace          => $auth_name,
                                    default_expires_in =>
                                    cache_root         => $cache_dir,
                                    directory_umask    => $cache_umask });

[Mon Jan 28 14:52:35 2002] [debug]
/Apache/AuthenCache.pm(178): [client] manage_cache:
30, cache_dir=/tmp, cache_umask=007, auth_name=Enterprise Server
[Mon Jan 28 14:52:35 2002] [error] mkdir : No such file or directory at
/depot/perl-5.6.1/lib/site_perl/5.6.1/Cache/FileBackend.pm line 220

I'm trying to use the default /tmp (I have also tried a non-default), but
I get a burp from within Cache::FileCache's library. Ideas?


Christian Gilmore
Team Lead
Web Infrastructure & Tools
IBM Software Group

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