The apache::Request docs indicate that param can be used to set the
query string. However,
it fails when I do something like this:

                my $r           = Apache::Request->new(shift);
                my $host        = $r->hostname;
                my $uri         = $r->uri;
                my $params      = $r->parsed_uri->query;
                # does not seem to work!?
                my $scheme      = $r->parsed_uri->scheme || 'https';
                $r->param('previous_uri' => "$scheme://$host$uri");
                $r->param('q_string' => $params) if ($params);
                $r->header_out(Location => "http://$host/login";);
                return OK;

Can someone tell me why this is failing? I can not get previous_uri or
q_string in my login module. 

Also, $r->parsed_uri->scheme does not return anything back.

Thanks in advance.

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