Robert - that's along the lines of what I'm after. My nuance is that I might
have several different configurations for the server - since there are
different containers that have different PerlSetVar directives.

In my example below a call to "/test" is going to have a different config
to a call to "/different" or a call to "/". How can I do three different
intializations for these different configurations and then keep track of
them for the remaining requests?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Landrum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: Indentifying dir_config's

> At 1:39 PM -0800 2/1/02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >I'm wondering if there is a way that I can mark or remeber that
> >I've seen a particular dir_config during a previous request. The
> >motivation is performance related - so that I can set up for
> >particular set of "PerlSetVar" values only the once. Then
> >subseqeuent requests to that child will use a previously
> >determined value (instanciated object).
> >
> >IE: in my httpd.conf I have -
> >
> >PerlSetVar myvalue 100
> >
> ><Location "/test">
> > PerlSetVar myvalue 200
> ></Location>
> >
> ><Location "/different">
> > PerlSetVar myvalue 300
> ></Location>
> >
> >So - request 1 - GET /test
> > I check dir_config("myvalue") and setup.
> > Can I mark that I was here; sorta like the equivalent of
> > <Location "/test">
> > PerlSetVar myvalue   200
> > PerlSetVar signature myvalue_200
> > </Location>
> >
> I'm not sure if I understand...
> I've done something in one of my modues in the past...
> package MyHandler;
> our $INITED = 0;
> our %CONFIG = ();
> sub handler {
>      ....
>      unless($INITED) {
>          %CONFIG = $self->get_config($r);
>          $INITED = 1;
>      }
>      ....
> }
> That way I only have to get_config once per forked process...  This
> is very useful for static (or near static) data.  In this example
> get_config was pulling configuration directives from an Oracle
> database.
> Rob
> --
> When I used a Mac, they laughed because I had no command prompt. When
> I used Linux, they laughed because I had no GUI.

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