I'm currently using a PerlHandler to handle all *.html files through the use
of Template Toolkit, all working, no probs.

I wanted to also use TT to handle the ErrorDocument directives, and I was
also hoping to be able to create the error pages containing stuff like
"Your GET request from on port 12345 failed...", etc. which AFAICT
I get from the REDIRECT_* environment variables, (at least under CGI

I've tested the variables using the /cgi-bin/printenv example from the
Apache distro, and using that to handle 404s, so I could see what I had to
play with, and then I came to try using my PerlHandler.

When I request a page that is within the scope of the handler, (ie. *.html,
but doesn't exist), I get back the variables as expected. When I request a
false file that isn't covered by the handler, (ie. a fake *.tar.gz), the
environment variables get doubly-prepended with REDIRECT_ so, for example, I

My snippet of httpd.conf is like this:

ErrorDocument 404 /error.html

<Location ~ ^/.*\.html$>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlSetVar Template_root /path/to/somewhere/src
  PerlHandler MyHandler

All my handler currently does is gather all the environment variables up
into one big string and pass it as a parameter to the template, where ATM I
just print it.

Can anyone shed any light on why this is happening, or maybe a better way to
do this?

My apache version is:

Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) mod_gzip/ mod_perl/1.26 mod_ssl/2.8.5 \


"Phased plasma rifle in a forty-watt range?"
"Hey, just what you see, pal"

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