We just experienced an odd problem and were wondering if anyone has
encountered this before. We recently set the apache LimitRequestBody
parameter to 10000000 (10M) and all was working fine until a recent restart.
We started getting errors in the logs whenever there was a file upload field
in the form, even if no file was selected.

[Sun Feb  3 21:01:23 2002] [error] [client] [libapreq] could not
create/open temp file

No other changes had been made, and these started occuring immediately after
we did a apachectl stop/start cycle. We restarted the server 3 times, each
time the same problem occured. On the 4th restart, everything started
working fine again, even though no other changes had been made.

Has anyone ever had a similar experience to this? It's just a bit

Apache: 1.3.22
mod_perl: 1.26
libapreq: 0.33


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